Credits and Animation

Dev Name: Agustin Luis

Date: 10/06/2023

As for the past two weeks, I have been expanding my knowledge on UI and how to make elements of the UI seem lest static. For example, there is a tab within the UI portion that allows you to add animations to the different elements created within the HUD itself. After taking some time learning about this feature, I figured I should put this feature to the test. With that in mind, I needed to make a credits menu to display some where in the game, and I decided to add it to the main menu. I began to refer to different credits screens, but the ones that caught my eye, were the scrolling credit screens. With my new found knowledge on UI animation, I began to create a credit screen that would loop while the player is still within the credits menu and will scroll from the bottom to the top of the screen and reappear from the bottom again.

The process for implementing the animation is a little tedious. The animation was just transitioning the text box from the bottom of the screen to the top of the screen over a 5 second period. This did cause some issues at first because the animations also are framerate dependent, but there was a section that allowed me to change the amount of frames it moves at. With changing that, It was able to slow down the scrolling speed which allowed me to make a scrolling animation that is slow enough for people to read and see what the persons contribution to the project was. 

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