Learning how burnout feels like (plus updates)

Devlog author: Alex

Evening ya'll, hope you guys are having a wonderful day.

Today I wanted to talk about something that is to be expected, but wished it would have happened to me much later: Burnout.

The Vermilion Chocobos started this project around the start of the second week of July, and thankfully much progress has been made since that point. However, this past week felt off. Our level of effort has not been the same as last week's, leading to a slight slowdown on development. It took me a bit to figure it out, but I ended up understanding that we were all burnt-out. There were moments where solutions to coding problems never came to me, or debugging code would take me the entire day to solve, and by that I mean if I even solved the bug that day.

Before I continue on, I am pleased to say that the core game is finally taking shape. It is no longer just a skeleton of a game; it now has some flesh (by this I mean that most of the game's systems have been put in place. It may not work as intended for now, but hopefully by next month it will be completely integrated).

Back to burnout: what did I do to circumvent the lack of energy this week? Well, One thing I wanted to do for a while was learn how to create and program a character from a hero shooter, mainly overwatch as the inspiration. First step for me was learn how to do simple animations in blender, but that turned out to be more difficult than anticipated, so for now I will focus on the technical side of things.

That's enough from me. Hope ya'll have a nice week, and if you live in areas that can get affected by hurricanes, stay safe, its about to get real 0_0

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