How UI Has Progressed

Dev Name: Agustin Luis

Date: 8/11/2023

For this post, I will be discussing how the game has progressed and what the UI has evolved to so far. As for the game, we have now include both the day and night time cycle to have a complete gameloop. One issue so far is we have not attached a health component to the objective that we are trying to protect which means that you as the player are not able to die during night. That issue will be dealt with in the next build, and with the death, there will be a menu to pop up as well. Now for the UI, I have been changing the look around and I reached out to a peer and was able to recruit him as our typographer so that the fonts for the UI will have more of a horror aspect to them. An issue I ran into this week was the component to the sprint icon. When ever the icon would deplete, it would not replenish.

Now, I attempted to fix the issue, but it just led to more issues with the player. This upcoming build how ever, I will try to fix it and actually implement it to the game. The reason for the implementation of the sprint component is so the player does not infinitely sprint. With a limited sprint, it will make the game more of a challenge while looting the building because the player will not be able to sprint around everything. Then once that is implemented the next step will be to add a timer to the turret HUD and also fix the flashlight icon as well. 

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