The Implementation of the UI

Dev Name: Agustin Luis

Date: 7/17/2023

For this post, I will be discussing  the implementation process for the UI and how each portion connects to the gameplay. When creating the UI for the player, the roaming portion, I implemented two icons located on each corner of the HUD, including the sprint and the flashlight. Although I have not connected the functionality yet, the sprint icon has another icon over the original image acting like a progress bar to display when you are sprinting and how much sprint/stamina you have left. When the player stops sprinting, then the progress bar begins to increase again slowly to display to the player that their sprint is back and they are able to sprint again. The flashlight icon has a similar functionality when it comes to its progress bar, but it is only displayed when the player uses the flashlight to stun the enemy, which then will show the player their cooldown on the flashlight icon. Once the progress bar fills back up after the player activates the stun, they will be able to use the stun ability again. 

Now, when it comes to other UI, like the Main Menu, Death Screen , and Win Screen, I was able to get the main functionality for the menus including the return to main menu button, retry button, quit button and the start button. But when it come to the options, I have not been able to figure out how to set it up, since I have multiple ideas of how it should be displayed. That will be the first challenge for this week, so I can implement a way for the player to control audio, so if they are not comfortable with the audio level, they can change it how they please. The challenge now comes to creating a save file so I can use this so the player can save their settings and their progress on the game so that the continue button works when the player launches the game. 

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